Hei Hei! Hvordan har du det?!
Today i realy miss my familly cause i field like i was alone and i also think sometimes that this mission works are to much for me , i always tried to do my best and i think that it isn't inof f and i want to go home .M y only counsoling hier is just the idea that i have ¨GOD IS MY ONLY RESON¨ and crying of course.But like i always says ¨EVERYTHINGS ARE ALWAYS OK EVERY WHERE¨.So now it is the end of sad days =)
This week i worked with norwegian childrens to a camp in one place called KJELDSUND and i think that they were realy nice and so cute,so now i have different idea of them. Almost all the times they are nice and i think that all over the world oder childrens can also make noice and be sad so that is quiet ok.
I think that the must important think with kids like monica says somedays ago ¨Show to kids that they can trust in you and give them love ¨,after that all will be find .
One of the stranges things with them is that they alwys ask the color of your teach bruch when you are introducing you self and it quiet funny for a boys whose color is ROSA...
The 2nd is that it is easy to learn many with them like language ,life in society cause children don't know problem but they just like to be happy.
The 3rth one is theythey don,t like to see oder people sufering and i think that if every one tried to react like a child and to learn something from everythings the society can be better....
We were also in ulsteinvick an there we met and we met some refugises women ,we sang with them and i understood that nothing can buye the freedom and the happyness.
But how can change the world every where?...
Just tried to make our best and show the love of GOD all over the world the world.
To be continued ...vi snakkes
Herren velsingne deg <3
Hello Sophie!
SvarSlettIt's really nice to read your blog! Today me and Johanne went to your home and met your mother, some of your sister, your aunts and cousins! And then Jocelyne and Alphonsine came to visit us, and we played Ligretto together. It was really nice. I love Ngaoundéré, and I'm really looking forward to get to know people here better :) Enjoy in Harøy, Sophie!! Maybe you will see the snow soon ;) I heard from my familiy that it was snowing today...Greetings from Ngaoundéré!!
Sophie! What a lovely photo of you!
SvarSlettJe dois vous dire que je comprends parfaitement étant le mal du pays! Quand j'étais au Cameroun ma famille me manquait terriblement! Maintenant que je suis rentré aux États-Unis me manquez tous mes étudiants et de la famille au Cameroun terriblement! Bientôt vous allez rater votre famille moins (vous serez toujours les manquer) et puis quand vous revenez, vous manquez tous de votre nouvelle famille norvégienne.
vous élargissez votre monde, qui n'est pas beaucoup de gens à faire, à chérir la tristesse avec le bonheur qui vous entourent!